The Velvet Cliffs

A peaceful and scenic region on Arcan; named after the grass that grows here. Velvet grass, as it's name implies, is soft like velvet and grows on these cliffs and these cliffs alone It also smells strongly of spearmint when disturbed. Along with it are banana tulips, named after both their bright, banana yellow color and their distinctive banana scent. The most notable species of flora here are the taun-tauns, large trees that have a umbrella-canopy. They produce large fruits coated in a dense shell, making it extremely difficult to open. The taun-taun fruit is incredibly tender and pale-white in color, looking almost like a large unpeeled rambutan. The cliffs themselves are made of densely packed, layered layers of semi-soft sediments, making them easy for many species to burrow into. Velvet-lindwyrms are one of these species, commonly seen lounging at the entrance to their dens, either sleeping or watching. They can very quickly scale the cliffs in pursuit of prey. Prey like, velvet clay-suckers; fish-like animals that live both in and on the cliffs. They suck out insects, minerals, and other such things with their powerful suction. When windstorms hit the cliffs, they can whip the velvet grass around and release the spearmint scent en masse, spreading around for miles. Velvet-Lindwyrms will climb up to the plateaus during these storms to smell the grass. They'll also take advantage of the falling taun-taun fruit, taking it and smashing them open with large rocks, since not being full carnivores, they greatly enjoy the sweet and tender fruit. These cliffs are quite close to the Spire Range, a mountainous region mostly made up of monolithic spires. During a clear day you can get an excellent view of the spires from the cliffs, breathtaking and awe-inspiring.
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