Whispering Waterfall

Whispering Waterfall

staff pick staff pick

In case you haven't watch the video first its worth it youtube.com/watch?v=QA69SebsSmA... Ok we're good? Good! Okay ahem... After a night of anxiety continuous nightmares of deadlines, responsibilities and changes haunt you through the night. when dawn rises you tirelessly make your way outside to calm yourself, the waterfall noise soothes your mind as if they're whispering something to you, perhaps they're telling you not to worry about it too much, whatever it is its working. But that doesn't mean that you can't walk away, you must face it no matter what, even if you don't like it, if you walk away from it you won't learn from the experience and will only return to it but worse. Never let up no matter what. Find the two easter eggs first one to do it gets a shout out for episode 6 for finding it. This is also what I would have used in the landscape contest so thanks Pixilart for making the date too short

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Size 780x450
Application Piskel
Edits 4
Picture of the Day 3/16/2025
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