Two sides of a coin
In a world where dogs and cats overthrow humans and ruled the world. This did spark Prejudice between cats a dogs, dogs generally having more power since they (usually) are more intelligent than cats. You, the viewer, Get to experience what each side is like and how it may be fixed. You view the world in both Tabitha and Rachel two animals so close yet so far, Tabitha is a dog who Isn't very notable but quite wealthy and energetic who everyone seems to like, well everyone except Rachel. Rachel is a cat who lived on the poorer side and is also quite intelligent but nobody seemed to notice her. Tabitha didn't know much a about Rachel, Tabitha is actually quite surprised she doesn't. Tabitha finds Rachel interesting and wants to know more, but Rachel just thinks of Tabitha as some rich idiot who is trying to make fun of her. What will they learn? What will they fix? And can dogs and cats really be on the same level? In the end Tabitha and Rachel are made for each other