Pix Contest
Draw the coolest pixel art to win the Pix Backpack
June 15 - July 15 1987 Entries

What is the Pix Backpack?
The first LED backpack that you can control from your mobile device. You can draw your own images, custom animations and display them on your Pix backpack.
1st place prize
Pix Backpack Black
2nd place prize
Pix Backpack Grey
Draw any pixel art that fits into the 16x20 resolution.
- Must fit into the 16x20 resolution
- The drawing can be of any colors
- Can be an image or animation
- Must be the author's original work
- Don't use characters with copyright
- Any sensitive content is not allowed
- Multiple (5) entries are allowed
- Must be 16 years of age or have a parents/guardian's permission to claim prize
- Please, attach a short description of your art (Optional)
- Deliver period for contest is 07/15/2020
- 1st place is chosen by the most votes
- 2nd place is chosen by the Pix Team
- Best artworks will be added to the Pix Backpack app
Have Fun! ✨