Consumer of the East

'One knight..' We had scoffed as the clanking of armor filled the silence. 'Just one.' There was us, a wave of blue that filled the area- armed with carefully crafted weaponry and downed in the finest of armor. There stood the red clad knight on our opposite side. All alone, which made him look pitiful compared to our plentiful forces. 'What fool would stand alone with no army?! Pah! We'll crush 'em to a fine of pulp!' One of the familiar voices rang through the air that invited other idle chatter to join in. 'Where's the bloke's army?!' And 'What a fool!' As more and more continued to mock the knight, rumors washed among us. 'I heard it's one of the rouges. The former knights that were exiled for their weakness.' Another voice echoed through the crowd. Our commander called for silence, and all was quiet but the breeze. He then pointed forward with his sword. 'CHARGE!' he'd called. We'd expected the loner to run, but.. Perhaps we were wrong to underestimate such power. Our opponent, unmoving would rose his blade- and by the holy Gods, we could have sworn we had seen the blade shimmer and gleam from that distance. The wind howled furiously as the dust danced along- surrounding the red-caped knight. We watched in terror as the dust birthed a winged crimson dracon nearly the size of our own castle. ||| We are never to speak of that day, for fear of the king removing our tongues. We called him the 'Consumer Of The East'. Never before had we seen such damage done in such a short span of time. The knight plowed through our forces as his dracon scorched our city. And that dastardly man- that thing- left us for dead without a scratch on his armor. || After years of private research, in an attempt to find the Consumer of the East, I unearthed his name. &quot;Pixel-Knight&quot; \\\ Collab with the one and only @Pixel-Knight I wanna thank a few people for helping me with this drawing. @ZekosLabs and PK for helping me progress through this with renewed confidence and fresh inspiration, and @I-Suck-At-Arts for helping me with the description. <3
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