Dotted Serenity

Zerottakída is home to a great biodiversity of bizarre, yet alluring species of flora and fauna. One such species is frutexavus, or more commonly known as the dotted serenity. Dotted serenities are a mostly solitary species of avians who reside down the southernmost regions eiryce, and are located primarily within forested areas. These diurnal birds congregate at the break of dawn to probe the ground with their long, narrow beaks. They poke and prod for a plethora of small fossorial prey, such as: worms, beetles, grubs, arachnids, and even arthropods. On average, the dotted serenity grows to about 15 - 22 inches tall with a wingspan of 3 - 5 feet. Like most avians, the dotted serenity is a lightweight bird; clocking in at about 3.6 - 4 lbs. Female dotted serenities tend to grow larger than males. Dotted serenity possess large feet equipped with two elongated digits each. Due to the awkward proportions between the feet and their plump bodies, dotted serenity hop and waddle along the forest grounds as they navigate. When navigating through dense branches and foliage, they will propel themselves with their wings from tree to tree. Dotted serenities are rather stationary throughout the day to evening, wrapping their extended digits around branches and using its strong claws to firmly lock it in place. Whilst they roost within the canopies, dotted serenity may forage for berries or seek potential mates. || You can read the full description here if you‘d like:
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