Harbinger of Decay

Fractured and stained; a star who descended from her skies long ago and plummeted straight unto the abyssal void. Suffocating darkness snuffed her light, leaving nothing but a mangled soul of what once was—drowning in a paroxysm of raw hatred and resentment to those who had forsaken her. A moldering creature was left forlorn eons ago to wander an unfamiliar plain, seized by crimson roots to spread its disease. Radiant wings unfurled a galaxy upon the birth of a star long ago, giving wake to a divine soul who was destined to one day embark on a great voyage. At the dawn of her zenith, she was to spread the blessing of the Divine Star. To find resolve was to care for the celestial fields, to churn energy amongst worlds, and to witness its precious life prosper—so was the destiny of the embodiment of truth, Möda. Unbeknownst to all, it would only take one fatal encounter for her fate to be forever altered. A rift tore through the fabrics of space and swallowed Möda whole; plunging her into a world writhing with hatred and distain. Tendrils twisted and contorted, poised to attack. Eyes pierced her very soul, surrounded by gnarled grins who erupted into a sinister symphony of laughter. Ichor bled from a vessel torn asunder by manic demons, as corruption seeped unto her gaping wounds. Truth distorted, morality warped, divinity tainted. A deity who fell from grace—a soul who lost her purpose, her destiny... Enthralled to the ways of the Black Void, she was to be banished to the Mortal realm for an eternity. So is the tale of the Harbinger of Decay.
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