

staff pick

This was more of an experimental drawing for me, I wanted to try going for an "ancient painting" type feel for it, hence all the splatters. I think it looks alright but I should definitely practice this kind of style more to improve, plus it was also pretty fun and quick to make. Also here's some lore I wrote recently: one day to pass time I just started to randomly write out some early Zetaverse events and it eventually turned into that, heh. The lore covers some older stuff I wrote awhile back in other drawings and puts them in chronological order, which is something I have been meaning to do for awhile, just to share general lore for those interested in that stuff. Here's a fun fact: the whole idea of two universes merging to create something greater comes from the fact that the Zetaverse is a collaborative project between my brother and I (he also came up with the name for it.) However I would like to note that the stuff I have been sharing has all been my side of the lore. Anyways, the drawing depicts one of the kings (Kingdréh, specifically) I'll definitely draw them again in the future in a less stylistic way, since I imagine their design being more intricate than this. -SL

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Size 256x144
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