The Oath

''''Twenty-seven people d ied that I know of, and I can only guess the others fled with whatever they could carry away. I could hear the screams and the shooting all night long, and I dared not venture out. ...The trouble is over, but I am no happier. I am afraid of what we have done. I am afraid of tomorrow.'' -Holly Ann Mayfield's Diary, July 19 1882.'' So... how many of you have heard of this amazing book called The Oath by Frank Peretti? I'm assuming not many. This book has fascinated me ever since I was six. I wasn't allowed to read it at the time, but the cover of it always caught my eye and filled me with a deep dread. This was the cover If you can, check it out. It's a mystery, thriller, and doesn't hold back on the dark and vengeful nature of unresolved denial and shame. Plus, the main character's name is called Steve, what's not to love?
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