The Rage Remake

As the embers of the once peaceful town were carried into the smoke-infected sky, two silhouettes could be seen through the black billows. One sprawled across the ground with ash clinging to his sweat covered skin, gasping and shaking. The other standing above the pathetic mess with a glare that burned brighter than the flames around them. ''P...Please, mercy...'' the young Aractora pleaded, his weapon cast aside by force and throat tearing from the pollution. Fredrick's sword swung back in preparation. ''I beg thee..! Please..!'' The blade stilled, wood crackled, and the distant cries of the injured townsfolk could be heard. His eye sockets narrowed. ''Tell me who sent you, and I shall grant you pity.'' In truth, he knew who was behind the attack, the same maggot that crawled out from his rotting woodwork and stole Fredrick's memories, friends, home, and life. ''Tarantus! My leader's name is Tarantus!'' The bandit cowered as Fred pointed his weapon at the spider person. ''Go, leave. And pray I don't catch you fighting for that filth again.'' The bandit scurried up and sprinted away into the cold darkness. Despite the lack of foes, Fred's sword arm still held tight to the blade. His sword thirsted for Aractoria bl00d, but it would have to wait. For now. (Sooooo, i noticed that a lot of my drawings with Fred really don't do him justice when it comes to his actual combat skill, which is some bologna, cause he's the greatest swordsman on his planet basically. So, what better way to reintroduce his fighting and combat skill than remaking my 100 follower milestone! I think this is the best drawing I've done so far!)
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