Zenith Isle

Zenith Isle

staff pick

Zenith-Isle is a planet located in the SS-G-25 system, and is the closest planet to Greymoné, in-fact it is close enough to be seen on one side of the planet, up in the sky emitting a soft reddish glow. This planet can also be seen from Zerottakída, appearing as a small, feint red star in the night sky. Zenith-Isle is mostly made up of fields, valleys, volcanic structures and mountainous ranges. Zenith-Isle is well known for the species within it, specifically the Talfinür and Köjokami, which are two most commonly used species by other, more intelligent life both within the planet and the outer-worlds. Among the surface of Zenith-Isle are many kinds of strangely unique vegetation, all of it consisting of mostly dull, yet warm colors such as: red, orange, and even yellow in some rare corners of the planet. An odd thing about the planet is the lack in carnivorous life, as over 90% of all life within the planet don’t classify as meat-eaters, although that doesn’t mean the planet is entirely safe to tread on, for there is still aggressive, territorial species ready to defend their homes, along with stampedes which have a high chance of occurring within the valleys. -SL

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